The Gamecocks Gamecast

Episode 21: Episode 0?

March 27, 2014 The Gamecocks Gamecast
Handsome and Angry Rob bring it to you raw this week, with straight game talk. But not before Angry talks a little bit about his time frequenting the LA goth clubs. And how people are jealous of the two Rob's. They may or may not have talked a little bit about Kevin and Nick as well.Angry plays Thief and thinks it's no good. Given his history of "not liking good games," is Thief really amazing? He also lives up to his name sake by crushing at least one controller while playing Dark Souls 2, and he loves the game.They round out the talk with inFAMOUS Second Son and Titanfall. What game has the whitest possible audience and which one has the widest possible audience? Is it in fact the same game?